Being Earthbound
Being Earthbound Podcast
Lynn Marie Lumiere: When Presence Meets Trauma. Transforming Self and World with non-dual psychotherapy

Lynn Marie Lumiere: When Presence Meets Trauma. Transforming Self and World with non-dual psychotherapy

Lynn Marie Lumiere is a non-dual psychotherapist and has been one of a small group of curing-edge pioneers developing this field of psychology since the 1990s.

She has over 40 years of psycho-spiritual exploration and transformational work experience and works with clients one-to-one and in groups from around the world specialising in couples and relationship work.

She has been a regular speaker at the Nondual Wisdom, Psychotherapy and the Science and Nonduality Conference. She is a contributing author to The Sacred Mirror: Nondual Wisdom and Psychotherapy and co-author of The Awakening West. She is also the author of Awakened Relating: A Guide to Embodying Undivided Love in Intimate Relationships which was published in 2018.

What drew me to Lynn Marie and her work was the multi-faceted approach to psychotherapy she adopts, giving equal weight and attention to both nervous system and physiological regulation and healing, to the deeper recognition of our true non-dual nature through meditative pointing out and enquiry, and to the need for us to work through our psychological conditioning, wounding and developmental trauma. None of these alone, in her opinion, are sufficient to experience complete psychological and existential wholeness and well-being.

It’s the weaving of this complex dance of modalities and approaches that makes her work unique and fascinating and I hope you enjoy our conversation.

To find out more about Lynn Marie and her work as well as to access her books and courses please visit 

To find out more about Earthbound and the embodied ecological coaching we offer please visit

Being Earthbound
Being Earthbound Podcast
A podcast exploring inner work for outer change and the process of coming home to our nature as Nature hosted by transformational coaches. Navigating the fertile edge between transpersonal psychology, embodied presence and holistic systems change.
The promise and premise of Being Earthbound is a healthy whole-systems approach to living in the world as Nature. Isn’t it only natural and fitting then that we engage our whole system in this process of transformation?
Finding the balance between our inner and outer landscapes feels like the great work of our times as we search for coherence, peace, flow and meaning in a domination culture that's badly off-kilter.
What does a fully embodied, fully integrated sense of self and world offer us as we seek to regenerate, reconnect and reintegrate towards cultures of care and away from the story of separation that's wreaking such havoc?
Johanna is a nature connection facilitator, Dan is a transpersonal psychology coach and breathwork instructor, and we are both trained and certified embodied meditation teachers and long-term permaculture practitioners.
For more information visit